Monarchs Make Smiles.



This is one of our newly emerged Monarch Butterflies.

After leaving its case it crawls up on the top of the flower and rests for at least 30 minutes while its wings dry. It still needs your protection but may be handled gently. When it begins to flutter you may take it outside or keep it safe for up to 24 hours before you release it back to Nature. This is one of the most beautiful things you will ever witness.

Get a gift box or pupae right now - Click Here.

Monarch gift boxes are an elegant experience with one of Nature's most majestic creatures. Our gift box arrives with two thread mounted Chrysalis, a living jade jewel with a golden ring which you hang on its own silk flower. Within days the Chrysalis darkens to signal it is time and the Monarch slowly emerges from its case to spread its wings. It remains still for hours as it dries its wings and prepares for its first flight. Simple...Safe...Spectacular.

From one Chrysalis on a silk flower or dozens of adults the sentiment will be appreciated on many levels. The natural tendency to care for these little miracles brings out the best in everyone. The only responsibility you have is to hang the chrysalis and let your butterfly fly free after it ecloses <emerges from within the pupae>.

Try giving a chrysalis as a gift for each person invited to a party, memorial or special event. Be prepared for the calls you will receive with heart felt thanks and tears as these miracles emerge for your friends at their homes. This is one of the easiest ways to bring butterflies into your area. You may even start a great community project by passing out seed packs and help bring the butterflies back to your area.

This is exactly what is in our Gift Box.

This complete package is sure to please, teach and inspire. It includes all of the following items:

  • Silk Flower in Terra-cotta Pot, used as a display and functional perch for the chrysalis to hang from and emerging butterfly to climb on. Flowers are available in an assortment of colors and shapes: Rose, Daisy, Carnation...ETC. Please request your favorite if we have it we will send it.
  • Test Tube Container with two Chrysalis, mounted on Jeweler's Tags keeps the live chrysalis safe and allows the simple hanging of the chrysalis on the flower. The Butterfly will emerge from the chrysalis in a few days ( usually 7-11 am). When it turns from green to black get ready.
  • Seed Packs, for you to plant and share with others. To help create natural preserves for butterflies, contains milkweed which is the only food source for Monarch caterpillars.
  • Complete Instruction Packet, Details the entire process and what to do at every step. " Hang the Chrysalis from the flower as pictured..." Very simple to follow and has our Toll Free telephone number if there are any questions, also gives instructions for caterpillars and live releases. You will be an expert in minutes.
  • Peat pot, We have even included a compressed growing medium in every pot so you can start some of your seeds as soon as your butterfly has emerged and no longer needs the flower perch. There is a felt disk above it to absorb the extra coloration liquid as the butterfly emerges and spreads its wings for the first time. The process is clean and easy.
  • White Shipping Box, labels clearly state contents and that this is a fragile Living item.
  • Packing Cushions and Tissue Paper, ensure a safe trip for the delicate soon to emerge butterfly. Nobody else has anything like this and our details make it extra special.
  • Guarantee of Satisfaction: If at least one butterfly does not emerge within a week, simply contact us and we will reship a new Chrysalis if two or more were ordered at our expense. In Nature only 3 out of 100 caterpillars become Adults . We are able to achieve a 95% success rate at our location. Despite our best efforts shipping is the great unknown and results in some losses to some areas. We will resend the live portion of your order after you contact us so we can determine the problem (why no butterfly emerged). If Mail service is clearly a concern you have the option of paying for overnight delivery service and we will send replacement chrysalis. Please use our order form for all your purchases.

We are a National Foundation that protects and restores butterfly habitat across North America. Our butterflies are guaranteed the best, largest and healthiest you have seen!. We do not use artificial diets. Find Out Why?

Help us make sure butterflies have plenty of gardens to find food in ... Plant free seeds and Please do not overlook the perfect Gift... Personalized seed packs.

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