Heals....Miracles Happen.
We have given many Monarchs as get-well gifts and to persons
in hospitals suffering from illnesses. In every case they have
been most appreciated and truly inspiring. Replacing the common
gift of flowers which die with a Monarch that will fly is a
most welcome change for all.
special story comes to mind: As a part of our community involvement,
we gave a Monarch
chrysalis on a silk flower to a woman suffering from several
forms of cancer. She was bed ridden and had not been in good spirits.
On the third morning the Monarch emerged and slowly spread its
wings. She was so moved by the experienced, alone she pulled herself
out of bed to hold the butterfly and brought it outside to fly
free. She was so completely focused on the small creature she forgot
about her pain. Her family and her physicians were quite amazed
by her ability to move from her bed to care for the butterfly and surprised
by her sudden new focus and much more positive outlook.
Stories about butterflies and special healing moments are quite common. They have been messengers to the heavens for milleniums with good reason. Take a moment to think about how such a natural experience could be a gift.
a Living Butterfly Gift Box click here.
about a release of many live Butterflies Click here.